
Meta Learning

Charlotte Crowther

A weekly newsletter on how to scale your teaching, facilitate your customers' success, and grow your business.

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To taking time out + nurturing light bulb moments

A postcard from Barcelona today, where I've been the last few days to celebrate my birthday. The trip has been a great reminder for me on the power of rest, taking time out, and mixing up my environments. I can never get enough aeroplane views! Not only can it be fun to take time out, it nurtures our ability to 'incubate', the second stage of the four-stage process of creativity. To incubate is to not think consciously about a problem or topic. To let our brain have “downtime” and space to...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, It's been a few weeks since I've been in touch! I hope you're good and 2024 is treating you well. I'm great. Despite catching an awful virus in January and somehow managing to tear a ligament in my left foot (crazy story)... It's been exciting to work with experts on their visual mental models and assessments. Here's what I've been up to with three clients this January and February. Netcentric Campaign's Network Manager Blueprint & Self-Check Netcentric Campaigns is a nonprofit...

3 months ago • 3 min read

A HUGE thank you for being a Meta Learning reader. I really appreciate you joining me, and your messages! Here are the most popular editions of Meta Learning in 2023: [Walkthrough Video] The new MySnapshot Guide [Whiteboard] Phase 2) "I can do this for myself" Unlock the power of community-powered learning to facilitate your people's progress If You Want To Speed Up The Sale How to scale your online education business 7 tips for running an evergreen course so it's active, engaged, and...

5 months ago • 1 min read

One of the best parts of my job is working closely with experts who are leaders in their fields to: Codify their method. Visualise their method into a visual mental model - so it is clear, memorable, and sharable. Communicate their method in a variety of formats (website, social media posts, guest blog posts) to: Attract, educate, and grow their audience. Build trust, credibility, and authority in their field. Enable sales of their products and services. Visual Mental Models are growth tools...

5 months ago • 2 min read

Want to save hours, weeks, perhaps even years building your online education business? If you don't know Olly Richards and his work yet, I recommend checking him out. Olly founded in a dusty café in the Middle East in 2013. Today, he runs his business from his home in the English countryside, surrounded by cows, dodgy internet and some of the most gorgeous beaches in the country. At the start, he had no idea what he was doing. But someone had told him that he could write a...

5 months ago • 3 min read

Over the last week I've been touched by the interest and feedback on my process map on how to develop your voice, build a following, and STAND OUT as a thought leader and game-changer in your field. Here's a visual recap of the map (click here to view it larger): Sophie highlighted how we are constantly cycling through the stages of not knowing how to do do something and being able to do it for ourselves. It's so true. As we start mastering something, we become aware of what we don't know and...

5 months ago • 2 min read

I'm SO excited to share with you: The second phase of my process to find your voice, build a following, and STAND OUT as a thought leader and game-changer in your field. Check out the Miro board here! When I shared the board with my friend and colleague Cat Mulvihill, her first words were "This board is so comprehensive!". If you saw my last deep dive, you'll notice the breakdown of the step-by-step process has developed a lot. A quick recap on the four phases of finding your voice, building...

6 months ago • 1 min read

How to: Find your Voice, Build a Tribe, and Create a Movement In my last newsletter I began sharing the results of my recent survey and the patterns emerging in the different phases of building an education, coaching, or consulting business. You'll see in the image below how I've developed my thinking a lot further and gone down a rabbit hole 😅 I'm so excited to share my findings with you. I've had many aha! moments in the process of collecting and organising my observations. Stay tuned for...

6 months ago • 3 min read

I'm SO excited to start sharing my insights with you from my recent survey and conversations with subscribers and customers. One of the things that is emerging and standing out is these five phases of building an education, coaching, or consulting business: "I don't know how to do this" "I can do this for myself" "I can help other people do it 1:1" "I want to scale to 1:Few" "I want to scale to 1:Many" Over the next few weeks in short videos I'll be sharing bite-size insights on the common...

6 months ago • 1 min read

This week I sat down with Simone and Laraine to chat about what we've freshly baked together. Yep, literally - during our chat I share with Simone her snapshot for the first time :) Simone Lis is the founder of MatchlabN and the creator of the Digital Fluency Flywheel Method. She is passionate about helping women and organisations become future-ready. Laraine Domingo is an Instructional Designer and Graphic Designer who works with me to help MySnapshot clients like Simone design their visual...

7 months ago • 1 min read
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