
Meta Learning

[Walkthrough Video] The new MySnapshot Guide

Published 8 months ago • 3 min read

I'm happy to share an evolution at MySnapshot I've been working on behind the scenes over the last few months — a shiny new guide!

After coaching MySnapshot clients with a number of resources, videos, and worksheets — I'm excited to consolidate everything into one place.

Watch this walkthrough video if you want to take a peek inside!

Here's a breakdown of each section:

Get Started

  • An overview of MySnapshot, and all the actions, tips, and best practices to set you up for success.

MySnapshot Method

  • How to create your signature framework and self-assessment step-by-step.
  • How to facilitate your students' growth and progress and increase your student engagement and retention.

Knowledge Base

  • How to use learning science to create an effective framework and self-assessment.
  • How to connect your self-assessment to your email service provider, and the different types of emails to send to your students, so you can teach and motivate your people at scale.

MySnapshot Guide Roadmap (new section suggested by Peter!)

  • A log of all updates (including upcoming ones) to the MySnapshot Guide.
  • Share your questions and ideas on what you’d like to see or contribute to in the MySnapshot Guide.

The response has been great!

Here's Melody's take:

Access to the new MySnapshot Guide

If you're a MySnapshot client and haven't got access yet, I'll be in touch.

If we're not working together and you'd like access, I invite you to reply to this email to let me know why.

One of things I'm exploring is creating an ecosystem of MySnapshot products and services to serve people at different points in their journey of improving and scaling the quality of their teaching, coaching and consulting — so they can grow their impact, thought leadership, and business.

Your thoughts and feedback will be much appreciated. It'll help me learn what's useful and top of mind for you so I can understand how to best help.

Of course, the self-assessment technology is a core part of MySnapshot, but a pattern I've seen time and time again — which is why I help course creators and coaches create their signature frameworks and assessments — is when a framework or self-assessment is created and facilitated with learning design principles, they are game-changing.

Check out Marisha's experience to get a sense of what I mean by game-changing:

I'm pumped to share with you the new MySnapshot Guide. I'm sooo excited for what it will enable for teaches, coaches, and consultants in the next chapter of MySnapshot.


With her kids making their next steps in life, Ren down-sized and moved home last week.

In the process of creating her new home office she rediscovered her treasure of books, including these four winners from Dorie Clark.

The first set of words of Dorie's book 'STAND OUT' tug at Ren's heart.

They tug at mine too, what about you?

“You have something to say to the world.
You have a contribution to make.”

In her inspiring LinkedIn Post, Ren shares three key insights from the book which are moving her:

🎯 Standing out in your professional career is no longer optional.

💡 Big ideas do not have to be complicated and written by geniuses. Big ideas comes from true thought leaders that are driven by questioning assumptions that others take for granted. Question the status quo.

Frameworks are powerful. While I often used Venn Diagrams and the SWOT analysis during sales presentations in my corporate days, I hardly used them in expressing my original ideas. Dorie showed me in this book how powerful frameworks are.

I've already ordered all four of Dorie's books 👀

Thank you Ren for sharing!

Check out Ren's LinkedIn post for her full story.

And that's a wrap for this week, thanks for reading!

If this newsletter made you think or feel something, I'd love to know and hear from you, just reply to this email.


Curious about MySnapshot and how it can accelerate your learners’ results and measure your program's ROI?

Want a sounding board for developing your program's framework?

I love working with course creators, coaches, and communities to create:

  • A clear and powerful framework for their program which enables their learners' focus and progress.
  • Visuals of their frameworks to bring them to life.
  • A self-assessment that measures their learners' progress, and the impact of their program.

Just reply to this email and tell me a bit about you, your program or community, and what you'd like to work on together and I'll get you all the details.

Meta Learning

Charlotte Crowther

A weekly newsletter on how to scale your teaching, facilitate your customers' success, and grow your business.

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