
Meta Learning

If You Want To Speed Up The Sale

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read


I'm excited to kick start today a 3-part mini-series of newsletters where I’ll share an insight from 3 thought leaders who have influenced my thinking on the power of using visuals for selling at each stage of a learning experience.

Because we never stop selling to our customers.

How else will we sell our customers on why to join us for a live session?

Or inspire them to take the action that'll make the difference?

Each insight I share will speak to one of the 3 stages of a course in relation to the Bow Tie Funnel.

The first insight is on the pre-course stage of marketing and sales.

It will be from Simon Bowen, Founder of the Models Method.

Here is Simon's take on how to speed up the sale.

We all want to convert prospects into customers faster.

If we can speed up the sale, we drive more revenue.

If we can drive more revenue, the more certain the future of our business.

So if speed is a differentiating advantage — why can we all default to the slowest channel of communication of spoken and written words?

Visual Mental Models are easier for the human brain to process.

Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text. A complex message can be processed in a fraction of the time that it takes to process words.

Visual Mental Models help people remember information better.

People remember 65% of the information that is presented to them 3 days after if it is presented visually, compared to only 10% if it is presented in text.

Visual Mental Models simplify complex information into manageable chunks and make it easier to understand.

Visual Mental Models are more engaging and enjoyable.

When you add the structure of a mental model to a visual, you step into super-influencer territory.

Thanks for reading!

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Meta Learning

Charlotte Crowther

A weekly newsletter on how to scale your teaching, facilitate your customers' success, and grow your business.

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