Meta Learning 🚀

Hi friends!

👋 Welcome to Meta Learning!

I am incredibly excited to share and celebrate my inaugural newsletter with you.

Each week I will:

  • Write about a topic on self-assessment, visual mental models or lifelong learning.
  • Share a glimpse on building MySnapshot.
  • Make a shout-out from the Online Learning or EdTech communities I’m a member of.

We are 250 people strong! If you signed up a while back, thank you for your patience. If you subscribed recently, thank you for being here.

👩‍🎤 Unhooking + embracing yourself for lifelong learning

Since leaving school I have struggled to sustain exercising regularly. It was easy when training and matches were scheduled. Friends, coaches and referees rocked up ready to play.

Now, I experience periods of exercising with peaks and troughs. When I don’t exercise, I notice the impact on my fitness, energy level and cognition. What nags me the most is my confidence to look and feel my best self.

In the last couple of weeks I have re-discovered the possibility of embracing the unease that pops up when I engage with exercising. Moments like deciding to finish my workday on time so I can wind down and get to bed to wake up early to train. To putting my workout gear out the night before. And crucially, when my alarm goes off in the morning - aaahhh!

Instead of resisting the voice in my head or fear of failing myself - I notice the thoughts and allow them to touch me, and be with me. Important to note(!) - this doesn’t mean the thoughts are true, or I believe them. By not taking the thoughts seriously, and giving them space, my energy is not solely focused on fighting them. I can embrace the thoughts as part of the process. I do not give them meaning. (In fact, since when do we learn or do something new are our thoughts 100% positive - it’d be strange for this to be the case, perhaps even not human!) This frees up the ability for me to focus on the things that move me towards what I want - in this case, exercising.

As a result, I’ve learnt how to practice using my attention to exercise more regularly. My training sessions are more varied and playful. I trust more in the process. I judge myself less. My mind is quieter. Things are simpler. I feel softer, kinder and lighter. I experience a greater sense of self-love, discernment and joy.

Lifelong learning and practice can be about unhooking from thoughts and embracing yourself. I’ve tweeted how emotions matter in learning and the conversation has been really interesting - what are your thoughts and experiences?

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Charlotte Crowther 🕸
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February 17th 2022

💡 What is MySnapshot?

Before jumping into sharing what we're currently up to at MySnapshot, I wanted to share what it is in case it's new for you. MySnapshot is a methodology and self-assessment tool I've developed that optimises for speed and depth of learning. The process is simple:

Our methodology helps knowledge experts and organisations to:

  • Create a personalised experience for every learner.
  • Engage and facilitate their learner's success.
  • Distil, visualise and communicate their knowledge or skill.
  • Stand out in their field with credibility and authority through their clear frameworks.
  • Evidence, demonstrate and visualise the value and ROI of their service to learners and stakeholders.
  • Assess their learners journey with a data driven approach.
  • Standardise their process and enable quality control of their service at scale.
  • Collect feedback and testimonials on the efficacy of the process from their customers in a meaningful and scalable way.
  • Increase the lifetime value of each learner

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Art Lapinsch 🤡
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June 14th 2021

Our tool enables the learners of knowledge experts and organisations to:

  • ‘Get’ and ‘apply’ the new frameworks they’re learning at speed - reducing the time, effort and pain to achieve results.
  • Self-assess their baseline and progress.
  • Engage, navigate and own their learning.
  • Surface and reflect on what they're struggling with.
  • Visibly see their transformation.

✨ Spark breakthroughs

Facilitating sessions that enable breakthroughs for your students, potential clients or audience is a super power. Not only will they love the experience and be engaged, they’ll remember you because so few people design and nurture the conditions for this to happen.

Gwyn has opened the doors to her second cohort of Breakthrough Facilitation (affiliate link) where she teaches you how to become not only an exceptional facilitator but how to do this online.

I have been lucky to see Gwyn develop her Virtual Facilitation Coefficient for the course and participate in the first cohort. It's been a truly touching experience which has opened my mind and approach to creating transformative online sessions.

If you’ve been curious about online facilitation and wanting to develop this skill, this is the best place to begin.

I can’t thank Gwyn enough for sharing her approach to creating sessions and having a reference of what good facilitation looks and feels like. It’s given me the tools, community and confidence to start my facilitation journey.

If you’d like a glimpse of what’s in store, check out my #learninginpublic notes from the first cohort.

I’m happy to answer any specific questions - just reach out.

Gwyn has kindly offered my community an extra 5% off - use the coupon: CHARLOTTE5OFF.

🎂 Birth-yays!

It is my birthday today. Yep, 21 February! Woohoo! My gift is the ‘birth’ of my newsletter. This has been a long time coming and I’m soooo excited to be in conversation with you.

To new births, new conversations, and each new day.


Meta Learning

A weekly newsletter on how to scale your teaching, facilitate your customers' success, and grow your business.

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